Knee Tendonitis (Patellar Tendonitis)

Knee Tendonitis (Patellar Tendonitis)

What is Knee Tendonitis?

Patellar tendonitis is a common injury or inflammation of the tendon that connects your kneecap (patella) to your shinbone (tibia). Your pain may be mild or severe.

Anyone can get patellar tendonitis. But it’s such a frequent injury of athletes, especially those who play volleyball and basketball, that it’s called jumper’s knee.
Patellar tendonitis comes from repetitive stress on the knee, most often from overuse in sports or exercise. The repetitive stress on the knee creates tiny tears in the tendon that, over time, inflame and weaken the tendon.


  • Contributing factors can be:

    • tight leg muscles
    • uneven leg muscle strength
    • misaligned feet, ankles, and legs
    • obesity
    • shoes without enough padding
    • hard playing surfaces
    • chronic diseases that weaken the tendon

    Athletes are more at risk because running, jumping, and squatting put more force on the patellar tendon. For example, running can put a force of up to five times your body weight on your knees.

  • What are the symptoms of Knee Tendonitis?

    Pain and tenderness at the base of your kneecap are usually the first symptoms of patellar tendonitis. You may also have some swelling and a burning feeling in the kneecap. Kneeling down or getting up from a squat can be especially painful.

    The pain may at first be sporadic, occurring only after sports or exercise activity. As the tendon becomes more damaged, the pain can become progressively worse. It can interfere with any athletic activity, as well as with daily activities, such as climbing stairs or sitting in a car.

  • What do I do next?

    The first step in treating Knee Tendonitis is to make an appointment to see a doctor who specializes in Sports Medicine and knee injuries for a diagnosis and to learn your treatment options.
    Treatment for Knee Tendonitis varies greatly depending on the severity of the inflammation. For mild cases of Jumper’s Knee, simple methods such as the RICE Method: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, may be recommended. For moderate to severe cases of Jumper’s Knee treatment may include may include anti-inflammatory medication, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation programs and Injections for Pain Management.
    At Alleviate, personalized treatment plans for knee injuries or sports injuries are designed for each individual patient by our expert staff.

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