A ganglion impar block is a type of injection that eases pain. It’s used for a variety of health problems that cause pain in the lower pelvis and groin.

Your brain sends information to the body through pathways known as nerves. Nerves also receive information from the body and send it to the proper regions of the brain. A ganglion is a place in the body where many nerves intersect. Nerves that communicate some types of pain from the lower pelvis and groin pass through the ganglion impar on their way to the brain.erformed. This treatment is typically completed in less than an hour. After treatment, you may notice some minor swelling or bruising at the injection site, but these effects usually fade within a few days.


  • What Kind of Results Can I Expect from a Ganglion Impar Block?

    After your ganglion impar block treatment, you will notice immediate pain relief due to the local anesthetic that is injected. This will wear off in a few hours, and pain may return briefly. The medication will take effect within a few days, soothing inflammation and blocking nerve signals so that you can enjoy long-lasting pain relief. The results from your ganglion impar block can last between several weeks and several months. The exact duration of these results will vary, so we will help you determine the kind of results that you can expect during your initial visit.

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