
Introduction & Mechanism of Action

Ozone Injection

The Oxidizing property of ozone as a soluble gas is greatly responsible for its therapeutic action. Ozone, on contact with biological fluids leads to the formation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS)and Lipid oxidation products.(LOP) These in turn trigger the formation of cytokines, proteins and erythrocytes( Red Blood Cells) by reacting with leukocytes(White Blood Cells)

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The result of these reactions is increased oxygen supply in the tissue. The molecules of ROS and LOP , at physiological concentrations help in the biochemical regulation of Inflammation. LOPs bring about a sense of wellbeing as they stimulate the CNS and the Endocrine system to boost neurotransmitter release, hormonal production and metabolism. A study observing the ozonation of samples of platelet rich plasma noted the increase in the release of IL-8(Interleukin-8). IL-8 helps in releasing the leukocytes from the circulation into the tissues to facilitate phagocytosis ofbacteria and necrotic tissue of ulcers. An increase in growth factors such as Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Transforming Growth Factor beta was also observed.

A study conducted by Re et al showed that ozone was capable of bringing about preservation and increase in endogenous antioxidant systems.[4]Ozone can be administered via the intrarticular, peri-articular or the percutaneous route.It is widely regarded as highly safe procedure with many proponents convinced of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties after using Ozone on a multitude of patients.

Ozone therapy works by raising the pain threshold via activation of the antinociceptive apparatus which in turn is governed by serotonin and endogenous opioids. Ozone increases the vascularity by enriching the tissues with oxygen thus creating a favorable Environment for neo angiogenesis. Ozone therapy is believed to bring down the local pain and improve joint function.[5,6] O3 can be injected by peri-articular, intra-articular, or percutaneous means. It is considered a satisfactory treatment with a low risk of complications and high success rate.

Applications of Ozone

Other conditions

where benefit has been seen with the use of Ozone are