

20 Dos and Don’ts for Managing Knee Pain Due to Arthritis


Knee pain caused by arthritis can significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, can lead to joint degeneration, inflammation, and discomfort. While there is no cure for arthritis, there are several strategies you can adopt to manage and alleviate knee pain effectively. In this blog, we will explore ten essential dos and don’ts for individuals suffering from knee pain due to arthritis, based on references from published articles and medical journals.

Do’s for Managing Knee Pain Due to Arthritis

Off-Loading Exercises

Knee pain caused by arthritis can significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, can lead to joint degeneration, inflammation, and discomfort. While there is no cure for arthritis, there are several strategies you can adopt to manage and alleviate knee pain effectively. In this blog, we will explore ten essential dos and don’ts for individuals suffering from knee pain due to arthritis, based on references from published articles and medical journals.

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Walking on Level Ground

Walking is an excellent way to maintain joint mobility and strengthen the surrounding muscles. However, individuals with knee arthritis should choose level ground for their walks. Uneven terrain can increase joint strain and pain. A study published in the Arthritis & Rheumatology journal (2018) reported that walking on level surfaces is associated with less pain and functional limitations in people with knee osteoarthritis.

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Quadriceps Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening the quadriceps muscles can provide better support to the knee joint and reduce pain. Exercises like leg extensions, leg presses, and squats can help strengthen the quadriceps. A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2013) revealed that quadriceps strengthening exercises were effective in reducing pain and improving function in knee osteoarthritis patients.

Watch Your Weight – Good Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for managing knee pain related to arthritis. Excess body weight places added stress on the knee joint, exacerbating pain and inflammation. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology (2018) found that weight loss can reduce the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids can help manage inflammation and pain.

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Active Lifestyle

Staying active is essential for knee arthritis management. Regular physical activity can help maintain joint mobility and reduce stiffness. The Arthritis Foundation recommends a combination of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises to keep your joints in good condition.

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Use Good Supporting Footwear

Wearing the right shoes can make a significant difference in managing knee pain. Shoes with proper arch support and cushioning can help distribute weight more evenly and reduce the strain on the knees. A study published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (2017) emphasized the importance of appropriate footwear in alleviating knee pain in osteoarthritis patients.


Consider Regenerative Therapies

For individuals with moderate osteoarthritis (up to Stage 3), regenerative therapies like stem cell therapy, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, and prolotherapy may offer pain relief and slow down the progression of the disease. These therapies have shown promising results in several studies, such as one published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine (2017).


Take Collagen and Glucosamine Supplements

Supplements like collagen and glucosamine are believed to support joint health. Research published in the Journal of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (2020) has shown that collagen and glucosamine supplements may help reduce pain and improve function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.

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Consult a Specialist

It’s crucial to consult a knee specialist, such as an orthopedic surgeon, pain management physician or a rheumatologist to assess the severity of your condition and explore suitable treatment options. They can provide personalized advice and treatment plans based on your specific needs.

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Explore Physical Therapy and Modalities

Physical therapy is a vital component of arthritis management. Modalities such as ultrasound, Interferential Therapy (IFT), and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) can be useful in reducing pain and improving joint mobility. Consult with a skilled physiotherapist to receive proper guidance on the most effective modalities for your condition.

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Don’ts for Managing Knee Pain Due to Arthritis

Don’t Use Too Many Stairs

Climbing stairs can exert significant pressure on the knee joint, exacerbating pain for arthritis sufferers. A study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2005) emphasized that excessive stair use can accelerate joint degeneration. Whenever possible, opt for elevators or ramps, and minimize stair usage to protect your knees.

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Don’t Sit Cross-Legged for Long

Sitting cross-legged for extended periods can place undue stress on the knee joint. Prolonged cross-legged sitting can lead to stiffness and discomfort. A study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science (2016) cautioned against maintaining such positions, particularly for individuals with knee arthritis.

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Don’t Overdo Impact and Knee Loading Exercises

While exercise is essential, intense impact and knee-loading exercises like treadmill running can be detrimental for those with knee pain due to arthritis. These activities can exacerbate pain and accelerate joint wear and tear. Choose low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or elliptical training, as recommended in the American College of Rheumatology guidelines.

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Don’t Become Sedentary

On the flip side, don’t succumb to inactivity due to knee pain. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and increased discomfort. The Arthritis Foundation suggests staying active with suitable low-impact exercises to maintain joint health.

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Don’t Rely on Oil Massages

While massages can provide temporary relief, oil massages alone won’t address the underlying causes of knee arthritis. A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2018) noted that massages can be beneficial for pain relief, but they should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan rather than the sole solution.

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Don’t Get Used to Regular Painkiller Use

Over-the-counter painkillers may provide temporary relief, but long-term use can have harmful effects on the gastric lining and other organ s
ystems. According to a study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology (2019), excessive painkiller use can lead to gastric problems. Consult a healthcare professional for safer and more effective pain management options.

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Don’t Self-Treat 

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment can lead to incorrect approaches and worsen the condition. Knee arthritis is a complex condition that requires professional assessment and management. Seek expert advice from a rheumatologist or orthopedic specialist to tailor a suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.

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Don’t Rely on Magical Foods that Heal Arthritis

While nutrition plays a crucial role in arthritis management, there are no magical foods that can cure arthritis. A review in the Journal of Rheumatology (2017) emphasized that dietary modifications can help reduce inflammation and improve symptoms, but they should be part of a holistic approach alongside medical treatment.

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Don’t Squat

Squatting puts excessive strain on the knee joints and can lead to increased pain and stiffness. Avoid deep squats or heavy lifting activities that require squatting. Instead, opt for alternative methods for picking up items or use assistance devices when needed.

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Don’t Brush Aside Knee Pain

One of the most important don’ts is to never ignore knee pain associated with arthritis. Ignoring pain can lead to further joint damage and decreased mobility. Early intervention and proper management are crucial for minimizing the impact of arthritis on your daily life.

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Knee pain due to arthritis can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is manageable. We at Alleviate Pain Clinic help patients with knee pain understand the dos and don’ts outlined in this blog. This helps individuals with knee arthritis make informed choices and improve their quality of life. Remember that each person’s condition is unique, so it’s essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a tailored management plan that suits your needs. By following these dos and don’ts and staying committed to your health, you can effectively manage knee pain and maintain an active, fulfilling life despite arthritis.

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