

Are you suffering from Gluteus Medius Pain?

Gluteus Medius Pain


Are you experiencing debilitating butt pain that has escalated from mild tightness? Traditional methods like rest, physical therapy, and medications seem to offer no relief. It’s time to understand the culprit behind your pain – the gluteus medius muscle. At Alleviate Pain Clinic, we specialize in the careful diagnosis and patient-centric management of gluteus medius pain. In this article, we will explore what the gluteus medius is, the types of injuries it can sustain, the causes of pain, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, treatment options, and the consequences of neglecting this condition.

What Is the Gluteus Medius? 

Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is a crucial muscle located in your buttock and hip. Comprising a trio of gluteal muscles, it plays a significant role in stabilizing your hip and pelvis, bending the hip upward, and rotating the leg inward and outward. This muscle’s tendon can become a source of pain if injured or irritated, and understanding its structure is vital to effective treatment.

Types of Gluteus Medius Tendon Injuries

There are various types of gluteus medius tendon injuries, ranging from inflammation to tears. These include partial thickness tears, full-thickness tears without retractions, and full-thickness tears with retractions, akin to a snapped rubber band.

Causes of Gluteus Medius Pain & Injuries

Gluteus medius pain can result from multiple factors, with the most common being tendonitis and tendon tears. Contributing factors include repetitive activities leading to chronic trigger points, overuse, poor posture, and poor technique. Such injuries are often seen in high-impact athletes like runners and individuals with poor gluteal and hip muscle strength.

Symptoms of Gluteus Medius Tendonitis and Tendon Tears

The symptoms of gluteus medius injuries vary depending on severity and type. Common signs include pain and tenderness on the outside of the hip or buttock, swelling, difficulty sitting or walking, limping while walking, decreased hip range of motion, and nighttime pain that can disrupt sleep.

pain radiations

Pain radiation pattern from gluteus medius triggers


Diagnosing gluteus medius pain requires a thorough history and physical examination. A positive Trendelenburg test, which assesses hip and pelvis stability, is a common physical exam finding. Additionally, X-rays can exclude other conditions, while in-office ultrasound is instrumental in evaluating tendon integrity.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for gluteus medius pain range from conservative care to surgery, depending on the severity of the injury. Conservative approaches include rest, physical therapy, chiropractic care, gentle stretching, dry needling, and ultrasound-guided interventions. Trigger point injections may be recommended for those who don’t respond to conservative treatments, although they come with potential side effects. Surgery is rarely needed, except in severe cases with full-thickness tendon tears and retractions.

Regenerative Treatment Options

Alleviate Pain Clinic offers advanced regenerative treatment options for gluteus medius pain, including Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and prolotherapy . PRP is rich in growth factors that promote healing, while prolotherapy sets up an inflammatory cascade to bring about healing. These treatments have shown significant benefits in managing gluteus medius pain.

Consequences of Neglecting Gluteus Medius Pain

Ignoring gluteus medius pain can have dire consequences, including the progression of injuries, knee instability, knee osteoarthritis, changes in gait leading to low back pain, hip osteoarthritis, and ankle injuries and pain.


The gluteus medius muscle is vital for hip and pelvis stability and function. Understanding its structure, types of injuries, causes of pain, and available treatment options is crucial for effective management. At Alleviate Pain Clinic, our board-certified, fellowship-trained physicians are here to provide careful diagnosis and patient-centric treatment options, including regenerative therapies like PRP and prolotherapy. Don’t ignore gluteus medius pain – schedule a consultation with us to find the best treatment for your condition and prevent further complications. Your comfort and health are our top priorities.


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  10. Image taken from-

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