

Pain in the Bum: Unveiling the Culprits and Solutions


Pain in the bum might sound like a colloquial expression, but for many individuals, it’s a genuine and discomforting issue that can disrupt daily life. Gluteal pain, often underestimated, can stem from a variety of sources. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll delve into the potential causes of gluteal pain, explore the possible symptoms, and uncover the effective solutions, including image-guided injection-based treatments.

Understanding the Causes:

  1. Gluteal Trigger Points : Trigger points are irritable knots within muscle fibers that can refer pain to distant areas, including the gluteal region. These knots can develop due to muscle overuse, injury, or poor posture1. When trigger points form in gluteal muscles, they can lead to localized discomfort and radiating pain.
  2. Piriformis Syndrome : The piriformis muscle, situated deep in the gluteal region, can become tight or irritated, causing piriformis syndrome. This condition often leads to sciatica-like symptoms, with pain radiating down the leg due to compression of the sciatic nerve.
  3. Pubic Rami Pain : Issues related to the pubic rami, the bones connecting the pubic bone, can also cause gluteal pain. Conditions like stress fractures or inflammation in this area can lead to discomfort and pain in the buttocks.
  4. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction : Sacroiliac(SI) joint pain can often present with discomfort in the buttocks.
  5. Other Potential Causes : Various other factors can contribute to gluteal pain, including  hip bursitis, lumbar spine issues, and even referred pain from abdominal or pelvic organs

Recognizing the Symptoms:

  1. Localized Pain : Gluteal pain is often felt as an ache or discomfort in the buttocks. This pain can range from mild to severe, depending on the underlying cause.
  2. Radiating Pain : Certain conditions, like piriformis syndrome, can cause radiating pain down the leg, mimicking sciatica. This pain can extend to the back of the thigh or even the calf.
  3. Tenderness and Tightness : Areas with trigger points or muscle tension can feel tender to touch, and the muscles might feel tight or knotted.
  4. Numbness and Tingling : In cases of nerve compression, such as piriformis syndrome, numbness and tingling might be experienced in the buttocks and down the leg.
  5. Difficulty Sitting or Walking : Gluteal pain can make activities like sitting, walking, or climbing stairs challenging and uncomfortable.

What to Do? Exploring Treatment Options:

  1. Conservative Approaches : Conservative treatment options include rest, ice, physical therapy, and gentle stretching exercises to alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility
  2. Image-Guided Injection-Based Treatments : For individuals with persistent gluteal pain, image-guided injection-based treatments offer targeted relief. Techniques like trigger point injections, sacroiliac joint injections, or piriformis injections can deliver medications directly to the affected area, reducing inflammation and providing pain relief

Conclusion: Empowerment Through Understanding

While experiencing pain in the bum can be distressing, understanding its potential causes and symptoms empowers you to seek the right solutions. From trigger points to piriformis syndrome, a variety of factors can contribute to gluteal discomfort. If your pain persists or worsens, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. With the right approach, you can bid adieu to that pesky pain and regain your comfort and mobility.


  1. Bron C, Dommerholt JD. Etiology of myofascial trigger points. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2012 Oct;16(5):439-44. doi: 10.1007/s11916-012-0289-4. PMID: 22836591; PMCID: PMC3440564.
  2. Hicks BL, Lam JC, Varacallo M. Piriformis Syndrome. [Updated 2023 Aug 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
  3. Lee SW, Lee CH. Fatigue stress fractures of the pubic ramus in the army: imaging features with radiographic, scintigraphic and MR imaging findings. Korean J Radiol. 2005 Jan-Mar;6(1):47-51. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2005.6.1.47. PMID: 15782021; PMCID: PMC2684998.

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