

Protein diet for weight management

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When we are trying to eat healthy and trying to manage our weight better, there is one superhero who needs to always help us – Protein. It is hailed as the building block of life; protein plays a crucial role in not only weight management but also overall health. But Indian diet lacks protein and this can cause a lot of problems when on diet.
Today, we’ll explore the significance of protein, in the context of an Indian diet. We will try to importance the importance of protein and also go through some vegetarian protein source.

What is protein: The hero macro

Protein is one of the macronutrients for the human body except carbohydrates and fats. They are comprised of amino acids. Protein serves as the cornerstone of cellular structure, repair, and function in the human body. From muscles to hormones and enzymes, protein plays a vital role in nearly every aspect of our physiological processes.

Why is protein important

Muscle Preservation and Growth: Protein is essential for preserving lean muscle mass and supporting muscle growth, crucial elements in weight loss and overall metabolic health.

Satiety and Appetite Regulation: Protein-rich foods tend to be more satiating. They reduce hunger and they can help in reducing overall calorie intake. This can be a right step to help facilitate weight loss.

Metabolic Boost: Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fats, meaning the body expends more energy digesting and metabolizing protein, potentially aiding in weight management.

Helping hormones: Hormones that act as chemical messengers are vital for communication between organs and tissues, initiating and regulating various processes in the body. Protein plays a crucial role in hormone production and function

Catalyst: Protein acts as an enzyme catalyst and brings about several reactions in the body, helping easy and effective body responses

What happens if I don’t take enough proteins, consequences of inadequate protein intake

When there is insufficient protein intake, body can have detrimental effects on overall health and regular bodily function. Without an adequate supply of protein, the body may experience:

Sources of protein

Proteins are vastly available in our daily foods, but not all protein is a good quality (complete protein), nonetheless consumption of protein however possible is very important for better health and metabolism. Some sources of protein are

Understanding complete and incomplete protein

Amino acids as we know make up protein. There are 20 amino acids in nature, and in this 9 are essential amino acids, meaning we need them in the diet and our body can not synthesize these. Others are non-essential amino acids, meaning human body can synthesize these on their own and there is no need for them to be in food we eat.

Any food is called a complete protein when it has all these 9 essential amino acids, and it is called an incomplete protein even if the food lacks one of the essential amino acids. Egg is the universally accepted complete protein. For the most part, animal protein is complete and plant protein is incomplete, though there are some exceptions.

Vegetarian protein: Optimizing protein Intake:

For those following a vegetarian or plant-based diet, obtaining adequate protein is entirely achievable. Incorporating a variety of protein-rich plant foods ensures that essential amino acids are obtained, supporting optimal health and weight loss.

Some tips to get complete protein when on vegetarian diet are given below;

Protein rich Indian diet plan for a day

Early morning: Peanut butter smoothie with soy milk

Breakfast: Vegetable daliya with boiled egg/grilled tofu

Lunch: Whole wheat chapati with moong dal and sprouts sabzi/fish curry

Evening snack: One glass of yoghurt with almonds

Dinner: Brown rice with grilled vegetables and panner/ chicken.

Bedtime: One glass of skimmed milk/ buttermilk


In the process of weight loss, protein em erges as a vital thread. It helps in weaving together satiety, muscle preservation, and metabolic support. Through a strategic selection of protein-rich foods we can get a good result in health and can go through a sustainable weight loss journey. Wheater it is vegetarian or non-vegetarian protein it can always help the body and is never to be ignored in the diet.

While protein is a key component in any diet, that does not allow one to disregard other nutrients. A balanced diet is the only right approach towards weight management. Contact you dietician for a protein rich diet which can be customized according to your food practises and availability


  1. “Dietary Guidelines for Indians – A Manual.” National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research. Link
  2. Gropper, S. S., Smith, J. L., & Carr, T. P. (2017). “Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism.” Cengage Learning.
  3. Mangels, R., Messina, V., & Messina, M. (2011). “The Dietitian’s Guide to Vegetarian Diets.” Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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