sacroiliac joint treatment

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Treatment

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction generally relates to pain in the sacroiliac joint region that is caused by unusual movement in the sacroiliac joint.

Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction - causes and symptoms

What is Sacroiliac Joint (SI) dysfunction?

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction generally relates to pain in the sacroiliac joint region that is caused by unusual movement in the sacroiliac joint, either too much motion or too little. 

Common causes of Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction

Sport: A sporting injury can cause SI joint pain, while regular activities such as jogging can also be a reason.
Uneven limbs: Uneven length of the legs can lead to a person taking uneven strides, which can cause SI joint dysfunction.
Ankylosing spondylitis: A type of arthritis that affects your spine can damage the SI joint.
Pregnancy: When a woman is pregnant, the body releases hormones that cause your joints to loosen up, thus causing SI joint dysfunction. 

Common symptoms of Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction

  • Pain in the lower back and buttock area
  • Pain radiating to the lower hip, groin or upper thigh
  • Numbness or tingling in the leg
  • A feeling of weakness in the leg

When to get treatment for Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction?

  • Pain while sitting, standing, sleeping, or walking
  • Pain while standing on one leg or climbing stairs
  • Pain while sitting or sleeping on one side
  • Hot, sharp, and stabbing sensation in the thigh
  • Numbness and tingling